We’ve all seen it, blondes can either be bombshells like Marilyn Monroe, or they can just bomb like some of the young Hollywood crowd that shall remain nameless. To avoid mishaps, we always ask two questions, “Cool or Warm?” and “Dark or Light?”

So many designers skip the at home maintenance conversation, but the truth is, your guest is a walking advertisement for you, so if their hair looks bad between appointments, people will think it’s your doing. We all have guests that say their color doesn’t last when we know it’s because they haven’t taken proper care of it, so take the time to discuss maintenance and your work will look better longer and be your best advertisement!
Website: www.pksalon.com, YouTube www.youtube.com/user/PKSalonSpa, Twitter: pksalon.com, Facebook: PKsalon.com.
paul kenneth salon & spa, the leading color salon in greater boston